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단행본 제4회 세계지식포럼 : Creating a New World Order and Economy (Volume I) 경제협력

저자 대외경제정책연구원 발간번호 03-04 자료언어 Korean 발간일 2003.12.24

원문보기(다운로드:721) 저자별 보고서 주제별 보고서

Frank Kern keynote

On Demand Transformation : Reinventing the Enterprise

North East Asia : Moving Into The 21st Century / James Rooney

Talking Points for WKF Plenary sessionxx : Trust and the New World Order

"Unipolar Power in a Time of Globalization : Does America Have the Right Strategy?" / John J. Hamre

Knowlege Shaning for Sustainable Development

World Knowledge Corps : Activity Summary

The Changing Environment for Global Investments and Hedge Fund Strategies / Richard A. Wermer

The North Korean Nuclear Crisis : Assessments and Prospects / Moon, Chung-in


Preparing Global Leaders / John J. Fernandes

Creating Global Leaders : Challenges in Management Education / Peter Lorange

Leadership Development : A Global Challenge / Otis W. Baskin

IT Super-tech Industry Future Perspective / Ko, Hyung Jin

Small Technologies for Large Markets / Ottilia Saxl

Korea Science Foundation Daily Economy Newspaper

Effective ICT Strategies / Soumitra Dutta

New Business Paradigm in an Era of Uncertainty : The On Demand Business Model

Responsibility in Science / Ilan Chet

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology : AIST

"Think Tanks : Ideas vs. Numbers?" / Edwin Feulner

Government in an Era of Rapid Innovation / Chris Caine

Private and Public Production of Trust / Toshio Yamagishi

North-South Special sessionxx : Fostering SME Innovative Capability : ICT, Stakeholders and Development / Thomas Anderson

Fostering SME's innovative capability / David Madie?

Fostering SME Innovative Capability : ICT, Stakeholder and Development / Rinalia Abdul Rahim

Korea's HCM Reform by the Participatory Government / Kim, Myungshik

Korea's Human Capital Management Reform by the Participatory Government / Kim, MyungShik

Challenges of Human Resources in the Public Sector / Tsuneo Fujiware

Personnel System and Human Resources Development in China

Future Directions of Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment / Moon, Chulso


Building Brand Power in the LEAP to Globalization

Stimulating Competitive Innovatio through Internal Entrepreneurship / Arnoud De Meyer

Knowledge for success KM @ Siemens / Peter Heinold

Knowledge Management : The Infosys Experience

Knowledge Initiative in Fuji Xerox / Naoki Ogiwara

Paradigm of a Creative Economy and the Science-Technology Culture / Gary J. Gates

Effective CRM in a difficult economy / Stuart McGregor

Building customer value through segmentation / sara cheng


분량/크기, 판매가격
분량/크기 713
판매가격 0 원

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